photos: Rami Niva

Maya (ajibu proud mary) was BOS in the Finnish Basenji Speciality 2018. Sister Penni (ajibu pennies from heaven) was 3rd best bitch and Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) was 4th best bitch out of veteran class. Linda (ajibu number one) was BIS-utility basenji. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 4th best bitch puppy and brother Rico (ajibu que rico) was 2nd best male puppy.  Ajibu breeder's group was BIS:

Maya (ajibu proud mary) was #1 show bitch in 2018 and sister Penni (ajibu pennies from heaven) was #1 show basenji in 2017.

Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was #2 basenji puppy in 2018. Brother Rico (ajibu que rico) was #4 and #1 was Viljo's (ajibu life and soul) daughter Muusa (heriaheri razzle dazzle rose).

Ninja (aibu foolish heart) was #1 veteran (shows) in 2018 and #1 basenji in agility.

Linda (ajibu number one) was #1 all around basenji in 2018 aktiivibasenji (based on show, track racing and lure coursing results), she was #4 in show bitch ranking and #2 in track racing.

Miles (ajibu one of a kind) was #3 in lure coursing in 2018.

Nico (ajibu nothing else matters) won the Kino cup for the best newcomer in track racing 2018.

12.1 Iiris's (ajibu mischief on my mind) first puppies left to their new homes so there was a rush to take a group photo which turned out lively.
12.1 Agility competition in Helsinki. Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) placed 2nd and received her first agilityCC in the Medi3-class. Supercongrats Sanna!
photos: Sanna Plaami
19.1 Maya's (ajibu proud mary) puppies in group photo, first the girls then the boys.
2.3 Joensuu International dog show. Rico (ajibu que rico) won the junior male class with excellent.

3.3 Joensuu NORD show. Rico (ajibu que rico) was 4th best male with CC. Congratulations Tea and Pia!

17.3 Korpilahti group show. Rico (ajibu que rico)  won the junior male class with very good .

23.3 Turku  International dog show. Esteri's (ajibu quietly bonkers)  first official dog show and she won the bitch class with excellent.

30.3 Lahti  International dog show. Rico (ajibu que rico) placed 2nd in the junior male class with excellent. Neo (ajibu poker face) was 3rd best male with reserveCC and reserveCACIB changing to CACIB, Coco (ajibu foolin' around) placed 3rd in the veteran male class with excellent.  Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 3rd best bitch with reserveCC, Linda (ajibu number one) placed 2nd in the bitch champion class with CQ, Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) was 4th best bitch and BOB veteran. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB with HP. Congratulations everyone!

14.4 Vaasa International dog show.  Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers)  rd best bitch with reserveCC and Maya (ajibu proud mary) 2nd best bitch with reserveCACIB.

20.4 Imatra NORD dog show.  Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was BOB with CC and NORD CC. She was shortlisted in the huge group 5 !!

27.4 Ravijoki lure coursing competition.  Esteri's (ajibu quietly bonkers) and Aatu's (ajibu quizz kid) first lure coursing competition and they did well. Esteri placed 2nd and her final leg was scored the best and she received her first LC-CC. Aatu's final leg was also better that the first and he placed 7th.

27.4 Ruovesi dog show. Neo (ajibu poker face) was BOS with CC and finished his championship. Congratulations Säde and Tuula!

27.4 Hämeenlinna puppy show. Keeva's (ajibu ring my bell) first show and she was BOB and Group-4. Great job Sirkka!

27.4 Agility competition in Vantaa. Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) had another clean run below the optimum timeline. Congratulations Sanna!

1.5 Lahti show. Rico (ajibu que rico) was 2nd best male with reserveCC. Congrats Tea and Pia.

4.5 Tampere NORD show. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 2nd best bitch with CC and reserve NORD CC, Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 3rd best bitch and Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) placed 3rd in the veteran class. Ajibu breeders group was BOB with HP. Rico (ajibu que rico) won the intermediate class with CC, Neo (ajibu poker face) was 2nd best male with reserve NORD CC and Coco (ajibu foolish heart) was BOS veteran. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB with HP. Thank you everyone and congratulations!

5.5 Tampere International dog show. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 2nd best bitch with reserveCACIB, Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 3rd best bitch with reserveCC and, Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) was BOB veteran. Rico (ajibu que rico) won the intermediate class with CC, Neo (ajibu poker face) was 3rd best male, Koda (ajibu love bites) was 2nd best male with CACIB via reserveCACIBin. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB with HP. Thank you everyone and congratulations!

11.5 Helsinki  International dog show. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 2nd bet bitch with CC and CACIB via reserveACIBin, Linda (ajibu number one) was 3rd best bitch, Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 4th bet bitch and Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) was BOB veteran.  Rico (ajibu que rico) won the intermediate clas with excellent, Neo (ajibu poker face) won the open class with CQ and Koda (ajibu love bites) was 3rd best male. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB with HP. Thank you everyone and congratulations!

18.5 Lieto lure coursing competition. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) won and had 3rd best score of the day (all breeds). LC-CC was just 1 point short.

25.5 Hamina NORD-show. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was BOB with CC and NORD CC. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 2nd best bitch with reserveNORD CC.

photo: P. Antikainen

1.6 Norröping, Sweden, dog show. Rico (ajibu que rico) 2nd best male with reserveCC. Linda (ajibu number one) 2nd best bitch and Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) 4th best bitch and BOB-veteran. Congratulations everyone.

2.6 Sandefjord, Norway, NORD-show. Rico (ajibu que rico) won the junior male class with excellent. Linda (ajibu number one) got very good in the champion class. Viola (wazazi the one and only) placed 3rd in the champion class with CQ and Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) was 4th best bitch and BOB-veteran. Congratulations everyone.

5.6 Track race in Tuomarinkartano. Linda (ajibu number one) won with CC-time.

8.6 Keuruu lure coursing competition. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) placed 2nd.

9.6 LKC's puppy show in Tuomarinkartano. Tepoo's, Faro's and Roosa's first show. Teppo (ajibu show must go on) was BOB puppy and was shortlisted in the group. Faro (ajibu super trouper) was 3rd best male puppy with HP. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was BOS puppy and Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) was 3rd best bitch puppy. Ajibu breeder's groyp was BOB. Congratulations everyone and thank you all for a lovely day.

29.6 Gällivara, Sweden NORD show. Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) was BOB-puppy. Congrats Sirkka.

30.6 Raasepori dog show. Riimi's (ajibu quit playing games) firt show and she was BOS with CC. Congrats Helena.

30.6 Finnish Basenji Club's speciality show2019. Teppo (ajibu show must go on) won the 7-9 month old male puppy class with HP and was 2nd best male puppy. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) won the 7-9 month old bitch puppy class with HP and was 2nd best bitch puppy. Ilona (ajibu simply irresistible) placed 2nd in the same class with HP and Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) placed 4th in the same class. Rico (ajibu que rico) won the intermediate male class with excellent. Elvis (ajinu nobody but me) placed 2nd in the open clas with very good. Coco (ajibu foolin' around) was BOS-utility basenji. Neo (ajibu poker face) got excellent in the champion class ERI. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) placed 2nd in the intermediate bitch class with reserveCC. Maya (ajibu proud mary) won the huge champion bitch class and was 2nd best bitch. Penni (ajibu pennies from heaven) placed 4th with CQ in the champion bitch class. Linda (ajibu number one) was BIS utility basenji. Viola (wazazi the one and only) placed 2nd in the veteran bitch class with CQ and Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) got excellent in the same class. Ajibu breeder's group placed 3rd with HP and finally Viola's progeny group was BIS. Thank you everyone for a lovely day. Photos below by Rami Niva.  

6.7 Pärnu, Esthonia, International dog show. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was 2nd best bitch puppy with HP. Neo (ajibu poker face) was 4th best male. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 3rd best bitch. Maya (ajibu proud mary) placed 3rd in the big champion bitch class with CQ. Linda (ajibu number one) got excellent in the champion class. Viola (wazazi the one and only) was BOS-veteran with veteranCC and is now EEVCh. Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) placed 2nd in the veteran bitch class with CQ. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB and Viola's progeny group was BOB. Congrats everyone.

7.7 Pärnu, Esthonia, International dog show. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was 2nd best bitch puppy with HP. Neo (ajibu poker face) was 2nd best male with CC nd CACIB and is now EE Ch. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was BOB with CC and CACIB. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 2nd best bitch with reserveCACIB. Linda (ajibu number one) got excellent in the champion class. Viola (wazazi the one and only) was BOS-veteran. Ninja (ajibu foolish heart)  placed 2nd in the veteran bitch class with CQ. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB and Viola's progeny group was BOB. Congrats everyone.

7.7 Tuusula NORD show. Teppo (ajibu show must go on) was 2nd best male puppy with HP and Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) was BOS-puppy. Rico (ajibu que rico) was 3rd best male with CC. Congrats everyone.

13.7 Mikkeli dog show. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was BOB puppy. Aatu (ajibu quizz kid) was 3rd best male with reserveCC. Alma's (ajibu queenie wahines papaya) first dog show and she was 3rd best bitch with CC. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 4th best bitch with reserveCC. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 2nd best bitch.  Linda (ajibu number one) was BOB. Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) placed 2nd in the veteran calss with excellent.  Ajibu-breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations everyone!

13.7 Oulu NORD-show.  Teppo (ajibu show must go on) was BOB-puppy. Congrats Tiina!

14.7 Oulu Int. show.  Teppo (ajibu show must go on) was 2nd best male puppy.

17.7 Track race in Helsinki. Alma's (ajibu queenie wahines papaya) first race and she won the start with TR-CC.  Linda (ajibu number one) placed 2nd in the Kartanon Cup with CC-time. Congratulations everyone!

20.7 Helsinki Kartano weekend. Teppo (ajibu show must go on) was  2nd best male puppy with HP and Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) was 4th best bitch puppy. Coco (ajibu foolin' around) was 2nd best male and BOS-veteran. Koda (ajibu love bites) placed 2nd in the champion class with very good. Linda (ajibu number one) was BOB- and BIS2 utility dog. Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) placed 3rd in the veteran class with very good.  Ajibu-breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations everyone!

20.7 Basenji Club's lure coursing winner 2019 competition in Kuopio. Alma's (ajibu queenie wahines papaya) first lure coursing competition. She won the bitch winner 2019 title and placed 2nd with LC-CC. Rico (ajibu que rico) was 6th best and Aatu (ajibu quizz kid)  was 7th best. Congratulations everyone!

21.7 Hyvinkää dog show. Teppo (ajibu show must go on)  was BOB-puppy and Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) was BOS-puppy. Aatu (ajibu quizz kid) was 2nd best male with CC. Linda (ajibu number one) was BOS. Alma (ajibu queenie wahines papaya) 2nd best bitch with CC.  Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) was 3rd best bitch. Ajibu-breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations everyone!

21.7 Drive-In track race in Tuomarinkartano. Iines (ajibu like a dream) won the 350 m start and brother Koda (ajibu love bites) came second. Congrats everyone!

27.7 Espoon Let's go dog show. Teppo (ajibu show must go on) was BOS-puppy and Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was BOB-puppy. Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) was 4th best bith puppy. Coco (ajibu foolin' around) was 3rd best male. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 2nd best bitch with CC. Riimi (ajibu quit playing games) was 3rd best bitch with reserveCC. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was BOB. Ajibu-breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations everyone!

28.7 Pori Int. show.  Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was BOB-puppy. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers)was 3rd best bitch with reserveCC and reserveCACIB ja varaSERTi. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was BOS with CACIB.

3.8 Kuopio Int. show. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) placed 2nd with HP. Rico (ajibu que rico) placed 2nd with excellent in the intermediate class. Neo (ajibu poker face) placed 3rd with excellent in the champion class. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 4th best bitch with reserveCC. Maya (ajibu proud mary) placed 3rd with excellent in the champion class and Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) was BOB veteran with CQ. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations to everyone!

10.8 Raisio dog show. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was BOB puppy. Sister Ilona (ajibu simply irrestible) was 2nd best bitch puppy. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 2nd best bitch with CC and Maya (ajibu proud mary) was BOS.

11.8 Kotka int. show. Teppo (ajibu show must go on) was BOS puppy. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was 3rd best bitch puppy with HP. Coco (ajibu foolin' around) placed 2nd in the veteran class with excellent.  Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) placed 3rd in the intermediate class with excellent. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 2nd best bitch with reserveCACIB. Congratulations to everyone!

11.8 Mäntsälä dog show. Riimi (ajibu quit playing games) was 2nd best bitch with reserveCC. Congratulation Helena.

14.8 HVK Cup track race in Tuomarinkartano. Linda (ajibu number one) won the 350 m start with CC-time. Mom Viola (Wazazi the One and Only) came 2nd. Linda participated also in the HVK Cup and came 2nd with CC-time. Congratulations!

17.8 Finnish lure coursing championship 2019 in Vöyry. Alma (ajibu queenie wahines papaya) got silver and Aatu (ajibu quizz kid) bronze. Rico (ajibu que rico) was disqualified. Congratulations to everyone!

18.8 Heinola dog show. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was BIOB puppy. Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) placed 3rd in the bitch puppy class.  Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 2nd best bitch with CC and  Maya (ajibu proud mary) was BOB.

24.8 Track race in Hyvinkää. Alma (ajibu queenie wahines papaya) won the 280 m start. Congratulations!

24.8 Kyrö dog show. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was BOB puppy. Sister Ilona (ajibu simply irrestible) wa not placed in the bitch puppy class. Coco (ajibu foolin' around) was 3rd best male and BOS veteran. Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) was 4th best bitch with reserveCC. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 3rd bet bitch with CC and Maya (ajibu proud mary) was BOS. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations to everyone!

31.8 Riihimäki NORD show. Rico (ajibu que rico) was 2nd best male with reserveCC and reserve NORD CC. Teppo (ajibu show must go on) was 4th best male. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) Jwas 3rd best bitch with reserveCC. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 4th best bitch. Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) placed 3rd in the junior bitch class with CQ and Maya (ajibu proud mary) placed 2nd in the champion class with CQ. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations to everyone!

31.8 Agility competition in Vantaa. Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) won and received an agilityCC, which was their 2nd in the Medi3class. One more CC and she would be the first basenji to finish the agility championship in Finland. Super congratulations Sanna!

1.9 Riihimäki Int. show. Rico (ajibu que rico) was 4th best male with reserveCC. Teppo (ajibu show must go on) placed 2nd in the junior male class with excellent. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was BOS with CC. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 2nd best bitch with reserveCC and CACIB. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 4th best bitch. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations to everyone!

3.9 Luhti Cup track race in Hyvinkää. Nico (ajibu nothing else matters) won the 280 m start and sister Linda (ajibu number one) came 2nd.  Rico (ajibu que rico) won the 350 m start and sister Alma (ajibu queenie wahines papaya) came 2nd. Congratulations to everyone!

7.9 Vantaa NORD show. Teppo (ajibu show must go on) was 2nd best male with CC and reserveNORD CC. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was BOB with CC and NORD CC. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 2nd bet bitch with reserveNORD CC. Congratulations to everyone!

14.9 Porvoo dog show. Teppo (ajibu show must go on) placed 3rd in the junior male clas with excellent. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 2nd best bitch with reserveCC. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 3rd best bitch and Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was 4th best bitch.  Ajibu breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations to everyone!

15.9 Track race in Hyvinkää. Alma (ajibu queenie wahines papaya) won the 280 m juniorderby and Rico (ajibu que rico) was 2nd. Aatu (ajibu quizz kid) was disqualified in the 350 m start. Congratulations to everyone!

22.9 Hyvinkää dog show. Teppo (ajibu show must go on) was BOS with CC. Faro (ajibu super trouper) got very good in junior class. Elvis (ajibu nobody but me) was 3rd best male with reserveCC. Coco (ajibu foolin'n around) placed 2nd in the veteran class with excellent. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was BOB with CC. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 4th best bitch. Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) placed 4th in the junior bitch class. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations to everyone!

28.9 HVK and HSKP lure coursing championship 2019 in Tuomarinkartano . Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) came 2nd with CC. Alma (ajibu queenie wahines papaya) was 3rd with CC. Nico (ajibu nothing else matters) was 4th, Linda (ajibu number one) 5th, Viola (Wazazi the One and Only) 6th, Koda (ajibu love bites) 7th and Rico (ajibu que rico) placed 8th. Congratulation everyone!

5.10 Hämenlinna dog show. Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) was BOS with CC. Congratulations Sirkka!

6.10 Hämenlinna dog show. Keeva (ajibu ring my bell) got excellent in the junior class. Congrats Sirkka.

19.10 Unofficial mock lure coursing in Hyvinkää. Keeva (ajibu ring my bell),  Teppo (ajibu show must go on) and Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) participated and did very well. We were all so happy!

26.10 Seinäjoki International dog show. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was 4th best bitch. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) placed 2nd in the intermediate bitch class with excellent and Maya (ajibu proud mary) placed 2nd in the champion class with CQ.

2.11 Tarto International dog show in Esthonia. Rico (ajibu que rico) 3rd best male with reserveCACIB.  Koda (ajibu love bites) BOS with CC and CACIB and he is now also Esthonian champion. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 2nd best bitch with CC and reserveCACIB and she is now also Esthonian champion. Congratulations everyone and thank you so very much Laura for showing Maya!

3.11  Tarto International dog show in Esthonia. Rico (ajibu que rico) very good in the internediate class.  Koda (ajibu love bites)  very good in the champion class.  Maya (ajibu proud mary)  excellent in the champion class. Thank you Laura for showing Maya!

6.11 Lukas (Wazazi Tempting Fate) arrived in Finland from Australia. Thank you Kylie for sending him to us. We love him.

9.11 Jyväskylä NORD show. Teppo ( ajibu show must go one) was 2nd best male with CC and reserveNORD CC that will change to NORD CC. Faro (ajibu super trouper) was 4th best male. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was 2nd best bitch with reserveCC and reserveNORD CC. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was BOS with CC and NORD CC.  Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 3rd best bitch. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations everyone!

10.11 Jyväskylä International dog show. Teppo (ajibu show must go one) was 2nd best male with CC. Faro (ajibu super trouper) placed 3rd in the junior male class with excellent. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was BOS with CC. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was 3rd best bitch with reserveCACIB. Maya (ajibu proud mary) placed 2nd in the champion bitch class with CQ. Ajibu breeder's group placed 2nd with HP. Congratulations everyone!

15.11 Norwegian winner 2019 dog show. Neo (ajibu poker face) was 4th best male. Linda (ajibu number one) was 3rd best bitch with reserveCC and Ninja (ajibu foolih heart) placed 2nd in the veteran bitch class with CQ.  Congratulations everyone!

17.11 International dog show in Lillestrom, Norway. Neo (ajibu poker face) was 4th best male. Linda (ajibu number one) was BOB with CC and CACIB and she is no new Norwegian champion. Ninja (ajibu foolih heart) placed 2nd in the veteran bitch class with excellent.  Congratulations everyone!

7.12 Helsinki Winner 2019 NORD-show. Teppo (ajibu show must go one) placed 3rd with excellent in the junior male class and Faro (ajibu super trouper) placed 4th in the same class. Rico (ajibu que rico) placed 3rd with excellent in the intermediate male class.  Neo (ajibu poker face) placed 2nd in the champion class with CQ. Coco (ajibu foolin' around) placed 2nd in the veteran class with excellent. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was BOS out of huge junior bitch class with CC, NORD CC and won the titles HeJW-19 and HeW-19. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) placed 2nd in the intermediate bitch class with CQ.  Linda (ajibu number one) won the utility bitch class with CQ. Maya (ajibu proud mary) was 4th best bitch. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations everyone!

7.12 Helsinki Winner 2019 puppy-show. Lukas (Wazazi Tempting Fate) was BOB puppy.

8.12 Winner 2019 International dog show in Helsinki.  Teppo (ajibu show must go one) placed 3rd with excellent in the junior male class and Faro (ajibu super trouper) placed 4th in the same class. Rico (ajibu que rico) placed 3rd with excellent in the intermediate male class.  Neo (ajibu poker face) placed 2nd in the champion class with excellent. Roosa (ajibu sweet thing) was 3rd best bitch out of huge junior bitch class with the title of JW-19. Esteri (ajibu quietly bonkers) was BOS with CC, CACIB and the title of W-19.  Maya (ajibu proud mary) placed 3rd in the champion class with CQ. Ninja (ajibu foolish heart) was BOS veteran with the title of VW-19. Ajibu breeder's group was BOB. Congratulations everyone!

8.12 Winner 2019 puppy-show. Lukas (Wazazi Tempting Fate) was BOB, Group-1 and finally BIS-3 puppy. Well done Sanna!


news from 2018

©Marjukka Anttila